Room Parents
Oglethorpe Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten
Room Parents
Thank you for volunteering to be a room parent in your child's class this year. The teachers and the parents in your class really appreciate you taking your time to help out this year. Listed below are a couple of things that room parents will handle throughout the school year.
It is important to talk with your teachers to get more specific information on what they expect from you this year. Some teachers require a lot of assistance and some teachers handle most things themselves. Either way you will be a great help to your class. Please email the OPK kindergarten team at to let them know you would like to volunteer.
Talk with your teachers: Communicate with your teachers to see what they need. Suggest setting a brief meeting in the next week to see what they would like you to do this year. Some teachers like you to send a weekly email reminding who has a snack, mystery reader, and any other special information for the week.
Email: Please send emails that you receive from Beverly to your class distribution list. They may be getting the information twice but we want to make sure everyone is receiving the emails. Please copy Beverly on all emails that you send to your classes. That way she can know what is happening in the classrooms and can help if there are questions. Her email is
Coordinate Volunteers: Help manage volunteers and remind parents as needed what they have volunteered for.
Class Parties: Help facilitate class parties. Most teachers put signups out on Orientation night for the various parties throughout the year. Room Parents need to follow up and make sure everything is taken care of. Each class is different on how they setup and have parties. Typical parties are Halloween, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Party, Valentine's Day Party, Easter Party and Egg Hunt and End of the Year Party.
Teacher Appreciation: Each year we have several days for teacher appreciation. In the past we have had a day to bring your teacher a flower, brig your teacher a fruit or vegetable and a day to bring in a homemade card. You will need to remind the parents before these days.
Teacher's Likes Lists: "My Teacher Likes" lists are located in a three ring binder in the office. They are very handy for birthdays, Christmas and End of the Year. You can share your teacher's lists to all parents.
Teacher's Birthdays: Room parents can organize something for their teachers on their birthdays.
Teacher Gifts: Christmas Gifts & End of Year Gifts. You can coordinate a class gift for your class to your teachers. Participation is strictly optional.
Fall, Spring Fundraiser/Annual Fund: Each year OPP does an annual fundraiser. Room Parents will need to communicate with parents about the fundraiser and encourage their participation with the event(s). In the past we have done class projects for each class to be auctioned off the night of the event. Room parents and teachers can work together for this.
Extras: Playdates for classmates, coffee for parents after drop off
Thank you all for volunteering to be Room Parents this year. If you have any questions please let me know.